Monday 30 November 2015

Textile factories

Textile factories is where the men children and woman worked day and night and got mistreated with poor pay. In these factories they could make anything from clothes to food and anything else. A lot of these factories were in England where every thing went through during the 1700 to the 1900 because England owned basically everything. Most of the farmers in England moved in the city with their families thinking they would live better except it was worst.

Other known inventors

Invented by James Hargreaves in
The Spinning Jenny was a machine that weaved cotton and threaded fabric. This machine was much faster then the other old ones. This machine was apparently 8 times fasters because it could hold 8 people per table. The cotton that was made was send to London and inspected to see if it was ready for sale.

Invented by Samuel F. B. Morse in 1838
The morse telegraph was the first electric telegraph used. It was invented to make communication faster then writing a letter and sending it to the post office then to the person. This used electricity and they would tape on the lever which would send a tap through the line that is connected to the other person with a telegraph. They had this code for the taps called the morse code. The person would listen to the taps and write it down on a piece of paper and send it to the person in that city/town.

Friday 27 November 2015

Famous inventors

The Inventors:

  • James Hargreaves: The Spinning Jenny (1764)                 
  • Richard Arkwright: Water Frame (1769)

  • Samuel Crompton: Mule (1779)

  • Edmund Cartwright: Power Loom (1785)

  • James Watt: Steam engine (1765)

  • Eli Whitney: Cotton gin (1793-1798)

  • Samuel F. B. Morse: Telegraph (1836)

  • Alexander Graham Bell: Telephone (1876)

  • Nikola Tesla: Induction Electric Motor (1888)

  • Rudolf Diesel: First Diesel Engine (1892)

  • Orville and Wilbur Wright: Airplane (1903)

All of these inventors changed the course of history with their inventions and were just the basic fundamentals that were turned into amazing upgrades of all these inventions.

Steam engines

The Industrial Revolution was a time that changed the way we live today and during the revolution there were famous inventors that made us change. One of the big inventors is James Watt he invented the first reliable steam engine. It was invented in 1712 and was an improvement of the Newcomen engine which was not as reliable or good. James's engine used a rotary pump the power and steam to get the engine working. One of James watt's partners was Matthew Boulton he helped a lot with the engine except James took all the credit for the engine.
This is Newcomen's engine where it
is much smaller then James Watts engine
And less reliable and efficient it was constantly
breaking down and failing so someone
decided to make a better one.
This is James Watts engine which is much bigger
more reliable by using a better pump and better efficiency
to perform.